Business of IP Asia Forum 亞洲知識產權營商論壇2015 Print


Business of IP Asia Forum


Business of IP Asia Forum 2015 亞洲知識產權營商論壇co-organised by the Government of the HKSAR, HKTDC and HK Design Centre, BIP Asia has become the leading IP event in Asia.  In 2014, the Forum has attracted over 2,000 IP industry players such as senior representatives from tech companies, legal and advisory firms, brand owners, government officials, worldwide IP organisations, and etc.   Over 80 internationally renowned speakers were present to share their insights including:

  • Chief Executive CY Leung
  • Ms Wang Binying of WIPO
  • Mr Antony Taubman of WTO
  • Mr Brian Hinman, Chief IP officer, Philips
  • Mr Toshimoto Mitomo, EVP of IP, Sony Corporation
  • Mr Kwang Jun Kim, Senior VP and Chief IP Officer, Samsung Display
  • Mr Joo Sup Kim, VP of IP, LG Electronics
  • Ms Maria T. Lam, Chief to the General Counsel, Intel Corporation
  • Mr Christian Frey, Head of Innovation and Patent Coordination, Siemens
  • And many more..


BIP Asia 2015 updates:


Date:                     3-4 December 2015 (5th Edition) – Thu & Fri

Venue:                 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Organisers:         HKSAR Government, HKTDC, Hong Kong Design Centre


2015 Theme: “IP: Transforming Global Business” 「知識產權:帶領全球轉型」

  • Plenary Session I – Sustainable IP Business Model in the Ever-changing World
  • 主題演講一-世界變局中的可持續知識產權商業模式
  • Plenary Session II – The Global Trend for IP Licensing Strategies
  • 主題演講二知識產權授權策略的全球趨勢


Around 20 breakout sessions will be organised in four thematic tracks, namely:

  • IP Practical Tips知識產權實用資訊
  • Industry Specific IPs 行業知識產權議題
  • Asian Focus 亞洲專題
  • Quick Guide to IP Basics 知識產權入門


The two-day Forum will also feature over 80 internationally renowned speakers and more than 2,000 IP industry players to attend.


BIP Asia 2014 quick facts:


  • 80+ internationally renowned speakers from 16 countries and regions
  • 2,000+ participants from 36 countries and regions
  • Close to 50 exhibitors who are IP owners or service providers
  • 99% of the participants indicated their keen interest to attend the next BIP Asia Forum
  • Over 92% of the participants agreed that BIP Asia helped them establish business contacts for new business opportunities
  • Over 95% of the participants agreed that BIP Asia familiarized them with the development of IP trading in Asia
  • 2014 highlight video:

Audience mix (49% from HK):

  • 33% IP users (manufacturers, traders, distributors, etc.)
  • 32% IP owners (R&D centres, brands, tech-coms, etc.)
  • 35% IP service providers









Last Updated on Wednesday, 19 August 2015 12:25


Activities Photos

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