Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement 商標國際註冊馬德里協定有關議定書 Print



Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement





政府今日(十一月十一日)就《商標國際註冊馬德里協定有關議定書》(《馬 德里議定書》)適用於香港的建議發表諮詢文件。

傳統上,商標擁有人如欲以註冊方式保護其商標,就必須在每個司法管轄區逐 一提交申請。馬德里體系屬國際間的安排,旨在方便商標擁有人在不同司法管轄區 註冊和管理商標。

在馬德里體系下,商標擁有人可通過提交一份申請及繳納一組費用,在一個或 以上的國家或地區申請註冊。日後,商標擁有人亦可通過單一程序步驟,透過世界 知識產權組織國際局,管理商標事宜。

《馬德里議定書》最先在一九八九年訂立,至今已有九十一個締約方(包括中 國)。《馬德里議定書》現時並不適用於香港。

政府發言人說:「為提高香港作為國際商業和知識產權貿易中心的競爭力,政 府認為《馬德里議定書》適用於香港將符合香港的整體利益,我們可受惠於馬德里體系。」

馬德里體系提供高效率和具成本效益的一站式商標保護及管理服務,有助本地 企業開拓海外市場,而海外公司亦會更樂意在香港經營業務。加入馬德里體系亦有 助提高本港商標制度的信譽和推動香港發展成為知識產權貿易中心。諮詢文件邀請公眾對《馬德里議定書》適用於香港的建議提出意見。


公眾可以在限期前透過下列 途徑提交意見:

電郵: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

傳真:2574 9102

郵遞:香港灣仔皇后大道東213號胡忠大 25樓知識產權署

公眾可在政府網站 和 查閱諮詢文件。




Consultation on proposed application of Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning International Registration of Marks to Hong Kong 


The Government today (November 11) issued a consultation paper on the proposed application of the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks to Hong Kong (Madrid Protocol).

Traditionally, trademark owners need to apply for registration in each jurisdiction separately if they wish to obtain protection by registration locally. The Madrid System is an international arrangement which seeks to facilitate the registration and management of trademarks in different jurisdictions.

Under the Madrid System, a trademark owner may apply for registration in one or more countries or territories by filing a single application and paying one set of fees. They may also manage their trademark portfolios through a single procedural step with the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization.

The Madrid Protocol was first adopted in 1989, and now has 91 contracting parties including China. The Protocol currently does not apply to Hong Kong.

A Government spokesperson said, "To enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong as an international business and intellectual property trading hub, the Government believes that it would be in Hong Kong's overall interest to apply the Madrid Protocol to Hong Kong so that we can take advantage of the Madrid System."

The Madrid System offers an efficient and cost-effective one stop service for trademark owners. Local businesses will be better positioned to explore business opportunities overseas and overseas companies will be better incentivised to do business in Hong Kong. Joining the system will also enhance the credibility of our trademark regime and help us establish Hong Kong as an intellectual property trading hub. The consultation paper seeks views on the proposed application of the Madrid Protocol to Hong Kong.

The three-month consultation will end on February 11, 2015. Views should be sent to us on or before the deadline by:

email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

fax: 2574 9102

post: Intellectual Property Department 25/F, Wu Chung House 213 Queen's Road East Wanchai Hong Kong

The consultation document is available on the Government websites and


Ends/Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Consultation Paper:
(English) - please pay attention to chapter 3.
(Chinese) - please pay attention to P.11-15 in Chapter 3.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 19 August 2015 12:38


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